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Jerrycan side marking with Grade, Octane Rating, Shipping Code ,  Weight and Dimensions 

with .5" tall letters. Made from Oil Board or Paint Mask.

Select Grade, Shipping  Code and Material option below.


Gasoline Grades:

   A - Hot Climate

   B - Mild Climate

   C - Cold Climate


Shipping Codes:
   UGLY - United Kingdom (unspecified)
   SOXO -  for Zone I - North Britain
   GLUE - Zone II - South Britain
   BANG - Zone III.- Northern Ireland




  • Oil Board is a reusable oil impregnated heavy paper material traditionaly used by the Military in marking vehicles in the field. It does not provide as clean of an  edge as the Paint Mask.  It is possible to get a "very good" edge using a repositionable adhesive spray.

    Paint Mask is made from an adhesive backed vinyl material that allows you to paint the  stencil with a clean edge and gives professional looking result.


    Please watch videos before ordering!

  • Special thanks to Jeff Vunck for research.

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